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Environment, Health and Safety (EHS)

Our Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) policy aligns with the principles of the Code of Conduct and core values, aiming to realize our vision of Zero Harm. We have established Group EHS procedures that focus on hazard identification, operational risk management, incident reporting injury management, EHS performance measurement and monitoring, and EHS training and competency. Each procedure clearly defines roles, responsibilities, and performance management indicators. Regular internal and external audits are conducted to review compliance with legislation, policies, and procedures.

Our EHS policy, along with Group EHS objectives and the 2030 Sustainability Goals, guides our health and safety initiatives. Each business area develops plans to meet these objectives, with annual targets set to drive performance at all organizational levels toward the 2030 goals. The scope of our EHS policy extends beyond our internal operations to include the services provided by Sandvik at customer locations.

The Sandvik EHS Council, comprising representatives from all business areas, serves as a key forum to facilitate collaboration across the company, advancing our progress toward our EHS vision. While EHS activities are decentralized within the business areas, the EHS Council identifies, reaches consensus on, and implements common initiatives and procedures. Additionally, the Council drafts documents, including the EHS policy and objectives, for consideration and approval by the Group Executive Management. The council also has the authority to appoint working groups to address specific EHS issues, such as environmental working groups.

Our EHS management systems are based on ISO 14001 and ISO 45001. The management of individual topics adheres to the criteria of established frameworks but may extend beyond them. We maintain a unified EHS policy for the company, along with Group procedures in areas where Sandvik aims to establish standards exceeding the requirements of our certified management systems. Sites with a lower risk profile are not obligated to undergo external certification. Nevertheless, these sites must comply with the requirements outlined in the Group procedure for small sites and offices.

For specific local issues, such as effluent discharge limits or environmental permits not addressed in legal requirements, certifications, or Group procedures, we implement local initiatives tailored to the specific needs of each production unit or business division. The EHS management systems extend to relationships beyond company boundaries, emphasizing our responsibility to uphold high standards in environments under the company’s control. This involves actively identifying and mitigating risks to prevent work-related injuries or occupational illnesses.

Environmental criteria are integrated into the sustainable supplier management process, while both environmental and safety criteria are integral to the product development process.

Every Sandvik-controlled location will establish and uphold formal systems and processes for conducting risk assessments. All employees are empowered and encouraged to report observed hazards. The system facilitates the proper handling of all hazards, ensuring a comprehensive process from identification to resolution. The most senior Sandvik manager at each location bears responsibility for the proper management of registered hazards.

Every business area/location operates its Incident Reporting and Investigation system, with the responsibility of disseminating the findings from incident investigations throughout the organization. Each employee has access to a colleague within their immediate workplace or organization who serves as a representative of the EHS function within Sandvik.

Health and safety committees are organized based on the specific structure of the local organization and the prevailing issues within the region. These committees typically include representatives from local management, employees, and EHS professionals.

Training is incorporated into the induction process for all employees, with more in-depth training provided for EHS professionals. Additionally, EHS issues are integrated into training programs for specific roles. Our training packages encompass various formats, including in-house classroom sessions, external training, and self-learning opportunities, such as e-learning.

Access to medical and healthcare services is tailored to local needs, ranging from on-site professional healthcare to external partnerships providing services like vaccinations and health checks for our employees. We provide voluntary health and well-being programs that are adapted to local needs, covering various aspects including fitness, nutrition, mental health, and disease prevention.