NF11 Community involvement

In 2021 we updated our community involvement platform to be in line with our company purpose and strategy. It includes three focus areas: The Sustainability Shift, The Digital Shift and Societal impact. Our updated platform was approved by the Group Executive Management Team in January 2022.

In 2021, Sandvik engaged in about 140 community projects. Many activities were related to the Covid‑19 pandemic and ranged from donating personal protective equipment to hospitals and elderly care homes to supporting vulnerable people affected by the pandemic with food and hygiene kits.

Community projects by focus area

Pie chart that shows community projects by focus area. Projects with societal impact stand för 58%. (pie chart)

Community projects by geography

Pie chart that shows community projects by geography. Top 3 are: Europe 50%, Africa/Middle East 14% and North America 13%. (pie chart)